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Apple Time Capsule unboxing gallery

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Features, Galleries, Networking,

Apple Time Capsule

Over the past day, we’ve been putting ‘s through its paces, and so far, we like what we see. We will be updating you with some impressions in a future post, but for now, we figured we’d hit you with another one of our unboxing galleries. We have a good 18 shots of Apple’s backup NAS wireless router that works hand-in-hand with Time Machine in all of its glory over in our Time Capsule unboxing gallery. Check it out.

Also, if you are interested, here is a Time Capsule vs. Airport Extreme size comparison gallery.

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Time Capsule unboxing gallery



Time Capsule finally shipping

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Storage, Wireless / WiFi,

Apple Time Capsule shippingWhen announced , Steve Jobs promised that it would ship in February. Well, in similar fashion to the launch of both the and , Apple waited until just about the very last moment to get the product out the door. In any event, we ordered our Time Capsule as soon as it hit the Apple Store Online, and it just got out the door today. Looks like we can expect it to arrive around March 4th.

If you ordered yours after we ordered ours, let us know if you are also seeing that yours has shipped as well.

MacWorld 2008: Apple announces TIme Capsule Airport Extreme with built-in hard drive

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Storage, Wireless / WiFi,

Apple Time Capsule

During this morning’s keynote, announced a brand new router specifically meant for those of us running Leopard on Apple notebooks, called Time Capsule. Basically an Airport Extreme NAS, the Time Capsule router allows those running Leopard while connected over WiFi to run Time Machine. Currently, unless you use a back-end hack to enable WiFi backups, you have to plug and unplug your laptop to an external drive to run Time Machine backups. Time Capsule removes that requirement, thus making WiFi Time Machine backups simple. Of course, it comes at a price. A 500 GB Time Capsule retails for $299 USD, which a 1 TB version costs $499.

Read More | Time Capsule Product Page
